Call for applications - Erasmus Mundus Master Global Studies (EMGS)
EMGS combines approaches from Global History, International Studies, as well as Cultural Studies, Area Studies, Social Sciences and other disciplines. It is an interdisciplinary, research-based programme offered by a Consortium of six European universities: Ghent University (Belgium), Leipzig University (Germany), the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK), Roskilde University (Denmark), the University of Vienna (Austria) and the University of Wroclaw (Poland), in partnership with nine leading non-European universities in the field of Global Studies: Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Dalhousie University (Canada), Fudan University (China), Jawaharlal Nehru University (India), Macquarie University (Australia), Otago University (New Zealand), University of California at Santa Barbara (USA), University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon).
The deadline for applications is February 15, 2020 for all applicants who want to be taken into consideration for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship and for admission to the programme, which starts in fall 2020.
Further information on the programme is to be found under: as well as under: The direct link to the application website is: Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Konstanze Klemm for any question related to the application process:
Public Lecture Houria Bouteldja - December 13, 2019

The Struggle for Decolonisation in France
On December 13, the French-Algerian political activist and writer Houria Bouteldja will speak on anti-racism, anti-imperialism, islamophobia and decolonisation at Ghent University, at the invitation of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies, the Middle East and North Africa Research Group, the Dept. of Conflict and Development Studies, the Governance in Conflict Network, TAPAS - Thinking About the Past, and the Centre for Research on Culture and Gender.
Friday December 13 - 18:00 - Academieraadzaal, Volderstraat 9.
Justice not aid for the global south - EADI blog

The European Association for Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) has published the essay "Justice not aid for the Global South" on its blog Debating Development Research. The blogpost was authored by Koen Bogaert, Marlies Casier, Brecht De Smet and Bernard Mazijn, of the Department of Conflict and Development Studies of Ghent University, and Dorien Van den Boer, coordinator of the international Governance in Conflict Network, and Julie Carlier, coordinator of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies. The blogpost is part of a broader debate on "Thinking post-development." Check out the other contributions on the GiC network blog. The original extended Dutch version of the essay was published on MO*Magazine.
SDG lecture - October 15, 2019

The participation of indigenous peoples in the United Nations political process on climate change
Indigenous peoples from different parts of the world participate in multi-scalar processes that shape changes in public policy concerning global commons, such as the atmosphere and oceans. They have managed to deepen the recognition of collective rights and generate new political and legal instruments. How do they work to achieve this? What is the impact of their action? What does it teach us about contemporary politics?
Deborah Delgado Pugley is Professor and Researcher of Sociology at PUCP (Peru). Her research focuses on global environmental politics, sustainable development policies and environmental issues at the community level. Recent projects include the impact assessment of oil spills in amazonian communities and local universities involvement in climate policies. She is interested in indigenous social movements, human and environmental rights, natural resources management, climate change policies related to forests (REDD) and development. She holds a PhD in Development Studies and Sociology at the Université Catholique de Louvain and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales of Paris. She is currently a visiting researcher with the Governance in Conflict Network at the department of Conflict and Development in Ghent.
What's (y)our story? September 24, 2019

On September 24, the Ghent Centre for Global Studies and the 3 other Interdisciplinary Research Consortia, together with the Research Department of Ghent University, will organise a full-day event at Het Pand on “Storytelling for researchers” and “Science narratives in post-truth times”, with:
- a workshop for (junior and senior) researchers by multimedia agency Critical Narratives
- a public lecture by the (investigative) journalist Joris Luyendijk
- and lightning talks by UGent scholars: Marianne Maeckelbergh (Conflict and Development), Ronald Soetaert (Educational Studies), Julie Van Bogaert (History), and Tom Vander Beken (Criminology, Penal Law and Social Law)
- followed by a panel debate, moderated by Sami Zemni
Full program:
The event is open to researchers from all disciplines and to the entire UGent community, but please note that the workshop has a limited number of seats. Registration, before September 16:
Global Studies Research Seminar - Spring 2019
The Global Turn: key concepts and approaches in Global Studies
The Global Studies Research Seminar provides doctoral students (and advanced Master students as well as postdoctoral researchers) whose research is situated in, or related to, the field of Global Studies in‐depth and advanced training in contemporary critical Global Studies, and theory and methodology in related fields, such as Postcolonial and Subaltern Studies, International Studies, EU Studies, Area Studies, Conflict Studies, etc., next to general scholarly skills such as reading, writing, discussing and presenting.
This year’s edition of the Global Studies Research Seminar, will zoom in on globalisation as a multiscalar process, that takes place on a global-local continuum, involving global, regional, national and local actors and settings. Unlike top-down approaches and contrary to popular belief, in Global Studies the global is not considered to be separate from the local – like an abstract force from above to which the local can only passively subject. The global is always also locally situated and produced. We “see the global through the local and vice-versa” (McCarthy, 2014) and put local agency at the centre of our analysis. Starting from this global-local continuum, we will subsequently introduce and discuss three key interdisciplinary conceptual frameworks and corresponding methodologies in Global Studies, that provide entry points or lenses to analyse these global-local processes: 1) assemblage; 2) frontier; 3) rule and resistance. (See program in annex 1 for further elaboration of the 3 conceptual frameworks offered in this course.)
Global Studies – defined as the study of contemporary globalisation and historical global processes – is a vibrant academic field that is inherently interdisciplinary. The interrelated, multi-level, global-scale challenges it addresses (economic and social development, urbanisation, resource depletion, etc.) are not confined to the realms of singular scientific disciplines. Although STEMM sciences are not necessarily excluded, in the academic landscape Global Studies is firmly rooted in the Social Sciences (especially political science, anthropology, economics and sociology)and Humanities (especially history and international law). It builds on critical, postcolonial and reflexive research traditions that question Eurocentric academic disciplinary boundaries and theories (Darian-Smith and McCarty, 2017). The inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives offered by Global Studies research provide new analytical tools to study the complex and interrelated problems that confront our globalizing world, thus enabling innovative research that is able to address these global challenges.
The learning targets of this course are:
1) practice of interdisciplinary in Social Sciences and Humanities, focused on the study of globalisation;
2) in-depth knowledge of analytical concepts and advanced methods in Global Studies;
3) ability to apply these concepts and methods to in one’s own research project.
Schedule and program
6 seminars of 3hrs each – in the spring semester of 2019 – Thursdays, from 1 to 4 pm.
February 14 – General introduction
- Introduction of the Global Turn: defining the global / local continuum
- Discussion of participants’ research topics: what makes your project a global studies research?
Lecturers: Julie Carlier, Christopher Parker and Eric Vanhaute
Required reading: Eve Darian-Smith and Philip McCarthy (2017), The Global Turn. Theories, Research Designs and Methods for Global Studies, Oakland: University of California Press, chapter 2 and 3, pp. 29-75.February 28 – Approaching the global-local through the concept of assemblage
February 28 - Approaching the global-local through the concept of Assemblage
One way of studying the articulation of the global and the local, is the concept of assemblage. Global assemblages are the local articulations of global forms – territorialisations that create new material, social and discursive relationships, be they public sector reforms, forms of urban planning, or modes of accounting and organising the financial sector. Assemblage is a framework for analysis that foregrounds agency and remains close to practice, allowing for a critical and reflexive approach, and opening up a promising interdisciplinary trajectory for the Social Sciences and Humanities, focused on the study of globalisation.
International guest lecturer: Anna Amelina, Professor of Intercultural Studies, Brandenbug University of Technology
UGent GCGS lecturer: Christopher Parker, Professor of Conflict and Development Studies
Required reading:
- George Markus and Erkan Saka (2006) ‘Assemblage’, Theory, Culture, Society 23 (2-3): 101-106.
- Anna Amelina (2017) Transnationalising Inequalities in Europe: Socio-cultural Boundaries, Assemblages and Regimes of Intersection, London: Routledge, pp. 60-81 (Chapter 4: Where to locate socio-cultural boundaries: Socio-cultural inequalities and their context)
March 14 – Approaching the global-local through the concept of frontier
A second framework to study the interaction of the global and the local, is offered by concept of frontier (and frontier zone), understood as the process (and the spatial setting) of the interaction between two different social systems. The frontier concept offers an analytical tool to examine the local dynamics of transformative processes that push globalization. Examples include the power struggles that come with land governance and property rights, the extraction and commodification of natural resources (e.g. mining), the planning of urban spaces, and the expansion of international trade regimes. Across disciplinary lines, “frontier” enables Global Studies scholars to link the local and the global, not by starting at the global level, but by departing from the frontier process itself.
International guest lecturer: Christian Lund, Professor of Global Development, University of Copenhagen
UGent GCGS lecturer: Eric Vanhaute, Professor of World History
Required reading:
- Christhian Lund and Mattias Borg Rasmussen (2018) ‘Reconfiguring Frontier Spaces: the territorialisation of resource control’, World Development, vol. 101, pp. 388-399.
- Ulbe Bosma and Eric Vanhaute (2017) “Capitalism and Commodity Frontiers. The Transformation of the Global Countryside” working paper of the Commodity Frontiers Initiative:
March 28 – Approaching the global-local through the concepts of rule and resistance
Thirdly, we focus on the new regulatory regimes and oppositions that emerge out of the interplay of global forces and local struggles. For, globalization structures concrete spaces and is simultaneously shaped by localized histories. This is not a symbiotic process: it is a contentious interaction that creates new rules and forms of governance, as well as new forms of resistance, from extractive industries and indigenous rights’ movements, to economic (de- and re-)regulations and social movements like Occupy Wall Street.
International guest lecturer: Lara Coleman, senior lecturer in International Relations and International Development, University of Sussex
UGent GCGS lecturer: Marianne Maeckelbergh, Professor of Global Sociology at Leiden University and as from November 1, 2018: professor of Conflict and Development Studies UGent)
Required reading:
- Lara Montesinos Coleman and Doerthe Rosenow, Mobilisations, in: Pinar Bilgin and Xavier Guillaume (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of International Political Sociology. London and New York: Routledge, 2016.
- Marianne Maeckelbergh (2011) Doing is Believing: Prefiguration as Strategic Practice in the Alterglobalization Movement, Social Movement Studies, 10:1, 1-20.
May 2 – closing session I– presentation and discussion of papers – part I
Participants apply one or more of the frameworks / concepts discussed in the sessions above to their own research project and explore its promises and pitfalls, possibilities and limits.
In-class discussion and feedback on the presentations
Lecturers: Julie Carlier, Christopher Parker and Eric Vanhaute
May 9 – closing session II–presentation and discussion of papers – part II
Participants apply one or more of the frameworks / concepts discussed in the sessions above to their own research project and explore its promises and pitfalls, possibilities and limits.
In-class discussion and feedback on the presentations
Lecturers: Julie Carlier, Christopher Parker and Eric Vanhaute

Performance Anna Tsing - May 28, 2018 - Bruges
The Golden Snail Opera
Lecture/performance by Anna Tsing (University of California Santa Cruz), introduced by the research and design collective Rotor.
On the evening of May 28, Archipel, the Bruges Triennial and the Ghent Centre for Global Studies invite anthropologist Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing to give a presentation in the Concert Hall in Bruges on her research into invasive species. Read more
Workshop with Anna Tsing - May 28, 2018 - Bruges
The Crab at the End of the World?
On Invasive Species, Salvage Economies and the Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet
Workshop with Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, University of California – Santa Cruz
Organised by the Bruges Triennial and the Ghent Centre for Global Studies in collaboration with Rotor, on May 28, from 2 to 5 pm, at the Poortersloge, Academiestraat 14, 8000 Bruges.Read more
Call for applications - Global Studies Master - extended deadline
Global Studies: A European Perspective
The 2018 application round for the Master programme Global Studies - A European Perspective and the Erasmus Mundus grant has opened on February 1st, 2018 and therefore we herewith would like to encourage all suitable candidates to apply for the programme.Read more