On September 24, the Ghent Centre for Global Studies and the 3 other Interdisciplinary Research Consortia, together with the Research Department of Ghent University, will organise a full-day event at Het Pand on “Storytelling for researchers” and “Science narratives in post-truth times”, with: 

  • a workshop for (junior and senior) researchers by multimedia agency Critical Narratives
  • a public lecture by the (investigative) journalist Joris Luyendijk
  • and lightning talks by UGent scholars: Marianne Maeckelbergh (Conflict and Development), Ronald Soetaert (Educational Studies), Julie Van Bogaert (History), and Tom Vander Beken (Criminology, Penal Law and Social Law) 
  • followed by a panel debate, moderated by Sami Zemni

Full program: https://www.ugent.be/en/research/event-storytelling.htm

The event is open to researchers from all disciplines and to the entire UGent community, but please note that the workshop has a limited number of seats. Registration, before September 16: https://webappsx.ugent.be/eventManager/events/Whatsyourstory