Solidarity aid or realpolitik
Understanding the role of Southern aid providers in Development Cooperation
Organized by the Ghent Institute for International Studies.
Over the last decade, emerging powers have increasingly been challenging the traditional model of aid and development cooperation. Dr. Fahim Quadir will reflect on the rise of these Southern aid providers and question whether their development cooperation policies are informed by solidarity or realpolitik. There will be plenty of room for questions and answers from the audience.
Dr. Fahim Quadir is an Associate Dean in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Professor of Social Science and Development Studies at York University in Toronto, Canada. He specializes in International Development, International Relations and International Political Economy. His current research focuses on South-South Cooperation, aid effectiveness and Southern aid providers. He has participated in several large-scale development and research projects both in Canada and Bangladesh and received numerous awards, fellowships, and grants including SSHRC, Fulbright, IDRC, SSRC (USA) and Killam.
When? Monday December 1, 2014, from 16:00 to 17:30.
Where? Auditorium D, Campus Rechten, Universiteitstraat 2.