The annual Research Day of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies aims to bring together all (junior and senior) researchers of its affiliated research groups, for an interdisciplinary dialogue on common research themes, different approaches and theoretical perspectives. The organizing committee of pre- and postdocs of the GCGS will offer 4 interdisciplinary workshops (2 parallel morning and afternoon sessions) on the following topics:
- The ultimatum of climate change: re-thinking climate and energy governance
- Debating global citizenship: on cosmopolitanism and human rights
- Global commodities: transforming the local?
- Mobilities, borders, immobilities
Venue: Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent
To register for this event, please sign up on:
Organizing committee: Mathieu Blondeel (GIIS), Julie Carlier (GCGS), Hanne Cottyn (GCGS / CCC), Loes Debuysere (MENARG), Jozefien De Bock (SHERPPA), Freke Caset (SEG), Lenni Mertens (POS+), Robin Thiers (CRG), Katrijn Vanhees (HRC), Joren Verschaeve (CEUS)